A small-scale, all-over motif, referencing the seedpods of the Indian lotus flower. The artwork has evolved from basic crayon rubbings of seedpods into a delicate surface print.
https://www.paintandpaperlibrary.com/seedpod-sand?___store=pl_gb16896Seedpod - Sandhttps://www.paintandpaperlibrary.com/media/catalog/product/b/o/botany_seedpod_sand_listing_image.jpg119119GBPInStock/Paper/Paper/Paper By Collection/Botany/Seedpod/Paper/Paper By Style/All-over Motif Wallpaper/Paper/Paper By Colour/Yellow Wallpaper/Paper/All Papers/Paper/Paper By Colour/Neutral Wallpaper293369391385393386A small-scale, all-over motif, referencing the seedpods of the Indian lotus flower. The artwork has evolved from basic crayon rubbings of seedpods into a delicate surface print. A small-scale, all-over motif, referencing the seedpods of the Indian lotus flower. The artwork has evolved from basic crayon rubbings of seedpods into a delicate surface print. This versatile wallpaper is an ideal backdrop to artwork and furniture; the simplicity of the design, its organic form, and the surface-printed mark, combine to create a soft, textural finish. This two-tone pattern has been produced in seven colourways, featuring five architectural combinations to reflect the everyday usability of the design.00https://www.paintandpaperlibrary.com/media/catalog/product/b/o/botany_seedpod_sand_featured_image.jpgadd-to-cartwallpaper16897simpleWALLPAPER/b/o/botany_seedpod_sand_background_image.jpgBotanyPaste the WallSpongeableStandard10.055226/b/o/botany_seedpod_sand_listing_image.jpgBotany CollectionRepeat: 26cmWidth: 52cmLength: 10.05mPaste the WallSpongeable/b/o/botany_seedpod_sand_featured_image.jpg/b/o/botany_seedpod_sand_colour_combination.jpg/b/o/botany_seedpod_sand_listing_image.jpg-- Please Select ---- Please Select ---- Please Select ---- Please Select ---- Please Select ---- Please Select --0361SESANDZ